Some things have been changing at FCWC's Orphan Ministry. But one thing remains constant. That's our purpose.
We want to help others learn about orphan care and needs.
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November is Adoption Awareness Month. Every month is Adoption Awareness Month.
...and pray
...and start conversations
...and ask questions.
Be the voice for the voiceless. The father to the fatherless. Now is the time.
FCWC Blogs
Joe & LeaAnn
Waiting Children
Orphan Care
The Point?
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Join us on this adventure God called us to, but be prepared to be challenged!
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Girl, Born June 6, 2005
Jasmina is a beautiful girl with the most gorgeous olive skin, dark hair and dark eyes. She is HEALTHY, with no heart condition. Physically active, good self-help skills. Jasmina can pronounce sounds, repeats words, likes to play with children, very friendly, eats well, toilet trained. Parents: 26.11.1965 (mother) healthy, father 24.10.1963 healthy. No brothers, sisters. Likes music, parties. The orphanage is for healthy children and in her group there are 8 children. The care conditions are very good. They eat and sleep according their timetable (6 times a day) They have lessons, speech thearapy teacher and music teacher.
This is a wonderful opportunity to reach into an independent program and open that up for children with special needs there. This is a well-established program, but making history (like we tend to do here at Reece's Rainbow!) with a focus on children with special needs. The potential for growth and education in this country is tremendous! Single moms welcome!
Married couples and single mothers may apply
Single mothers must be financially stable and under 50 years of age
Both parents MUST be under 50 years, no exceptions
Smaller families preferred, no more than 5-6 children max
Both parents travel for 2 weeks the first trip.
They go home for about a month.
2nd trip 7-10 days until court
Child can be escorted home about 6 weeks later, or one parent can return to pick the child up (3rd trip)
For more info on Jasmina and other waiting children just click here.
Have you heard the exciting news? Little Miss Olga who was once an orphan, thanks to her new parents walking by faith, is NO LONGER AN ORPHAN!!!
Boy, Born April 5, 2009
Vaughn is diagnosed with HIV.
From his caregivers: boy contact, emotional, and friendly. Recognize staff group plays well with peers. A child stands alone, sits attempts to walk. Eat with spoon, drinking from a cup with an adult.
For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit
For more information on Vaghn and other waiting children please click here. Also we have several links on our sidebar of children waiting in the US.
Sterling is a super cute little boy who is very active, loving, and playful. He is a happy child, always smiling and playing with other children. He does have a heart condition (we are waiting to learn the type), but he is doing very well!
If you want to read a blog of a mother traveling right now to bring home 2 of these precious angels you can go to If you read through her blog you will see why it is so very important for these kids to have homes.
For more info on Sterling and many other waiting children you can click here.
Last week, a friend of mine asked me to put on Facebook about a sibling group of three boys who needed a home. The response I received was amazing! So many people wanting additional information. I can only imagine the prayers being said, and the family discussions happening that evening. The questions and comments probably looked something like this:
"Do we have the space to house them?"
"What would our family say if we pursued them?"
"There is a cost, but how do you put a price on three lives?"
Well, friends, that got us thinking. How many people out there would be willing to open their home to children who are in desperate need of a family? Do people even know that this is a real need that we have in Indiana, and in our country? There are thousands of children who are waiting to be scooped up and given a chance through the foster care system. THOUSANDS are legally free for adoption!
But where do you turn? What do you do?
HERE is a good place to start. It is the state website where you will find information on waiting children here in Indiana. Children who just need a second chance. You will also find information on how to become a foster parent. Each state has a site similar to this one. If you are not in Indiana, you could google it!
If you are east of Indianapolis, you can contact Karen Frame or Heather Hill at 765-458-5121. They can get you started.
The state website has a photolisting of children waiting for families in the state of Indiana. However, coming soon, there is a unique opportunity for you to see pictures of these children as compliments of the Heart Gallery. Read below for information.
Are your children out of the home and you have an empty nest? Do you still have love to give? You are the ideal foster parent! You will have time and experience to devote to a child, and the space for them to call home!
If full-time parenting isn't what you're ready for, then respite care might be the perfect fit. With respite care, you provide time off for the full-time foster parent, and for the child! It may be that the parent needs to go out of town for the weekend. You could step in and have their child come and spend the weekend with you. It gives the child a change of scenery, and a new adventure for a few days. Respite care is important!
Again, I ask. What are you going to do? I took the leap. My husband and I are licensed foster parents. We're actually going through the license renewal right now. It is a path I never thought I'd choose. And the outcome of taking that leap of faith has been interesting, challenging, fun, and eye-opening so far. I am not sure where we'll end up at the end of this thing we call life, but I am thankful my husband and I said, "Yes!" Are you willing to do the same?
A friend of mine emailed me and asked me to spread the word about 3 boys (brothers) that need a family. They are looking for a Christina family for these boys ages 11, 10 & 8.
The boys have lost their mother and their father in not involved in their lives. They are currently living with their grandmother but she is ill and needs to find them a home. There are no other family members to take the boys in so they really need to find a family.
The boys love sports and going to church.
I you or someone you know might be interested in finding out more about these boys please email me at arewethereyetla5[at]verizon[dot]net.
These boys are in Indiana.
One disgusting move on an adoptive family's part could impact the future of adoption.
Click the following link to read and take action for orphans worldwide! Do not rely on someone else to do it! The face of adoption depends on us to TAKE ACTION!
He can identify basic colors and can count to 10. He is participating in a prepatory school class this school year. He can talk but struggles with articulation. He interacts with his peers and with adults and shows a great desire to be more independent.
Complete medical records from March 2010 are available for review
As a mother of a child with a limb difference I know this is such an easy special need to deal with. Actually most parents of children with limb differences would tell you that their child can do anything that any other child can do. My son has one arm and NOTHING stops him.
To find out more about Zain and other waiting children just click here. There are also links on our right sidebar to children waiting in the US.
When adopting a child at any age, attachment and bonding should be topics that are taken seriously. Attachment looks different at different ages, and is affected by the developmental stage that the child is in at the time. There are hundreds of great resources on attachment. Some examples include:
Adoption Resource Website
A 4ever Family
Attaching in Adoption: Practical Tools for Today's Parents
Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft
Connecting With Kids Through Stories: Using Narratives To Facilitate Attachment in Adopted Children (Kindle Edition)
Below is a list of activities that could be used to help promote attachment and bonding with your newly adopted child. (younger children) It is not a comprehensive list, and if your child is showing red flags as far as attachment goes, please seek the help of a family therapist and/or adoption expert.
With younger children:
- Following baths, rub lotion on your child's skin. Skin-to-skin contact is important. Brush their hair. If they're old enough, allow them to brush your hair.
- If your child does not have good eye contact, place them in your lap facing away from you, but in front of a mirror. This seems a safer route for them to look at you. Make silly faces and see if they can mimic you.
- Blow bubbles for them. As you draw the wand up to your mouth, this will encourage your child to look at you in the eyes.
- Sing songs together.
- Instead of time outs, do time ins. Have them sit quietly on your lap or near you.
- Play games across from one another. This allows them to see your facial expressions and look into your eyes.
- Get down to their level to play.
- Roll a ball back and forth.
- Answer any need they have immediately.
- Play peek-a-boo.
- Carry them in a baby carrier as often as possible.
Do you have any activities that went well with your child? Any that did not work, or that your child did not care for?
We're in this together! Share your successes!
Look at these precious twins, Born May 17, 2008.
These beautiful toddlers are HIV positive (PLEASE DON'T LET THIS SCARE YOU, DO YOU'RE RESEARCH). They are medically healthy outside of this. Both children show some facial features of FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), but this is not documented, only a cautionary disclosure. They are both walking and doing well developmentally so far. They have sweet personalities.
If you would like more info on Max and Lena click here and scroll down until you find their sweet faces.
Married couples only may apply
No more than 45 years between parent and child
No stated family size restrictions
Total with travel approx $24k
Both parents for 2 1/2 weeks to attend court
Both parents return home for 3 weeks
Only one parent must return to complete the adoption for approx 14 days
There are many, many other children waiting for someone to love them all over the world including right here in the US. We have many resources for you on the sidebar if your ar interested in bringing one of God's children home.
Iryna is HIV positive but please don't let that scare you. HIV is such a managable disease and many people are uneducated on the actual facts of AIDS.
Did you know we even have someone in our church that is an HIV counselor and I know she would be more than happy to talk to anyone that would be interested in bringing a child home with HIV.
There are many, many children waiting in the US and around the world with HIV that needs someone willing to be the hands and feet of Christ and give them a loving home.
For more information on Iryna please click here and scroll down until you find her precious face.
Look at this cutie I found! I don't have a lot of info on him other than he just turned 2, he's curious and touchy and he's one of God's precious miracles born with down syndrome.
Since around 90% of children diagnosed with down sydrome are aborted before birth, than every single child that has been given the gift of life is a true miracle.
Just think, you could have the oppurtunity to bring one of these miracles into your home.
Did you know Joe & LeaAnn from our church are bringing home one of these miracles? I'm sure they would love to talk to anyone that would consider bringing home a child with down syndrome. The link to their blog is on the sidebar.
If you want more info on this beautiful little boy click here and scroll down until you find his picture. open your heart and home for a child who has no where to turn? Do you have the space a child can call his very own, even if only for a while? Could you be the constant in a child's world where everything is always changing? Do you have the time to invest in changing the face of the kingdom of God?
It's there. I see it. You might have to dig deep, but it IS there. Your heart, home, and appointment book are big enough to become a foster parent.
Indiana Department of Child Services On the left, you will see a link for foster parenting. There you will find FAQ links. From there, you can contact them to find your local DCS office.
This is a poweful book that is a memoir of Ashley Rhodes-Courter's experience and emotions from her time in foster care.
Spend some time exploring this option. Pray about it? God is pretty clear about orphan care. Is this the right fit for you?
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment or email us directly. If we do not know the answers, we will get you the resources you need.
This is Joel and he is only 1 year old. Actually Joel just had his first birthday with no mommy and daddy to help celebrate.
Joel is very young and seems to only have physical challenges. Joel was born with a cleft pallet. At one he is able to stand on his own and is close to walking. Joel is at a great age to bring into a family setting.
Pray that Joel will have a family to celebrate his next birthday with. If you want more information on this precious baby just click here and scroll down until you see his beautiful face.
PS I wish I could jump on a plane right now.
You know in James 1:27 God not only asks us to care for orphans but he also commands us to care for widows in their distress. I was asked to do a post on caring for widows and I will be honest and say this hasn't been easy for me. Ask me anything about orphans and I can either come up with an answer for you or lead you to someone that can. With the widow part being so difficult for me out of all honesty it shows me that I better start stepping up to the plate on this one more.
I could go Google widow ministry and give you tons of ways to help internationally but what about in our own backyards? So here are a few idea I have about ways you could care for widows and I would love comments from you on ideas you have.
Nursing homes are full of widows and I used to work at one when I was much younger. Something that really bothered me was that most residents rarely got visitors. How sad to think that these people who worked so hard through their lives, loved people, were brothers, sisters, moms, dads, aunts, uncles and on and on sit lonely through the last years, days, hours of their lives because it is too hard to visit them.
I think one great way of caring for widows would be to visit them. Speaking of nursing homes why not bring in some room decorations, clothes, lap blankets or flowers to make it feel more like home. A lot of places you could even put bird feeders outside their windows.
Now what about widows that are younger or just live at home alone? How about listening to them? If my husband is home late from work at all I start to get lonely even with 3 screaming kids. Imagine your husband not ever coming home. What about offering to help with things around the house or watch kids if they still have kids at home.
Call you church and ask if they know of anyways you could help widows in the area.
OK, it's your turn, how to you follow God's command to care for widows?
Sophia is a beautiful dark haired, dark eyes girl. She was born with only one kidney (don't let this scare you because I have a child with the same deformity), that is on the right side.She is active, walking, talking all independent.
Please pray for Silas and that God will bring him a family!
For more information on him or to donate toward his grant fund you can click here and scroll down into you find his precious little face.
There are hundreds of organizations worldwide making a difference in the lives of orphans. Project James 1:27 is committed to highlighting some of these organizations. Please note, we are not endorsing one specific organization or agency. We are simply sharing our passion for orphan care by letting others know that these organizations exist.
China has had many organizations start by God calling adoptive families to band together to help children in plight. These groups have grown and impacted the face of orphans in China in huge ways. In ways only God could have orchestrated in that country. Below are some agencies God is calling to big things.
Love Without Boundaries--works with orphaned and imporverished children in China.
Humanitarian Aid:
- Education--Believe In Me Schools, Mama's Wish, and additional programs
- Foster Care
- Healing Homes--Cleft Healing Homes, Heartbridge Pediatric Healing Unit
- Medical
- Orphanage Assistance
- Sponsor a Child
- Donate to a special project, nutrition program, or orphanage
- Shop LWB Store
- Shop Our eBay Store
- Shop Our Supporters
- Volunteer
- Shop
Half the Sky Foundation--caring for China's orphaned children
Humanitarian Aid:
- Baby Sisters: Infant Nurture Program-trains local women to become full-time nannies to nurture at this critical stage.
- Little Sisters: Preschool Program--trains local teachers in Half the Sky’s curriculum The curriculum is designed to teach children self-confidence, basic skills and love of learning to build upon later.
- Big Sisters Program: gives older children individualized learning opportunities, according to their own interests and talents.
- The Family Village Program: Children, whose medical and developmental challenges that won't allow them to take part in an adoption program, have the opportunity to grow up in permanent loving families.
- The China Care Program: provides medical treatment and nurturing after-care for medically fragile orphaned infants.
How can you help?
- A one-time donation
- Sponsor a child or project
- Check out their site to buy a card, or give a gift
- Volunteer your time
Morning Star Foundation--works with children with severe medical needs, most of who require major surgery. The Foundation works with physicians and medical teams worldwide to provide the best care for the orphans.
The Starfish Foster Home--works with Chinese orphans who have special health needs that are the most at-risk in its partner orphanages.
There are many noteworthy organizations working tirelessly for these children. Those above are just a few. PLEASE consider taking the time to go to each website and pray over the volunteers, administration, and children invloved in each program. There are people both stateside and in China working hard together to benefit these children. They are being faithful to God's call.
Could you be a part of their story? Take a minute to explore the different ways you can help! Know of other organizations? Leave us a comment so we can spread the word!
Lera has been blessed with down syndrome and she is high functioning, affectionate, and well loved in her orphanage.
Lera is facing imminent institutionalization. A solid commitment from a new family could still save her.
Lera has a grant of $8,605 towards the cost of her adoption!
If you or someone you know might be interested in bringing Lera home you can click here for more info.
Just a reminder, many children are also available for adoption in the US. We are unable to place photos of waiting children in the US but we have placed links on our right sidebar of websites that you can visit of children in the US waiting.
If I had a nickel for every time I heard the following phrases, this ministry could fund several adoptions!
- "We have always thought about adopting but just haven't."
- "We thought we would adopt after we had our own children."
- "Oh, she/you/they couldn't get pregnant, so they adopted."
- "They must not be able to have children of their own because they adopted."
Ok, moving on...
The phrases mentioned above indicate that adoption tends to be Plan B, or a second choice at creating a family. It becomes an "if" "then" statement. "If I don't get pregnant, then we can always adopt."
Why does adoption have to be Plan B? For many, including my husband and me, it was our Plan A.
Let me get personal. Once my husband and I decided to start our family, a barrage of medical issues arose. We tackled each one, and pushed forward with growing our family. We knew it was possible to, but was it important to us to have a child biologically? Why should adoption be Plan B? Why should we try to have biological children first? Who says that's the way it is supposed to be? Was our ultimate goal to become parents? Yes! We wanted more than anything to become parents. It was at that point, we knew adoption was our Plan A. If we became pregnant at some point, that was ok too...but adoption didn't have to be our second choice.
Fast forward was four years ago last week that we attended our first meeting with our adoption agency. It was an informational seminar. We sat among dozens of other people, who were also mentally begging God to reveal His plan for parenthood. How did I know? They wore the same faces of anticipation, joy, emotion, hope, and wonder that we wore. Was it their Plan A? Or B? I really don't know.
What I do know is that we were all adopted by God. Jesus was adopted by Joseph. Several others were adopted too! Moses (see Ex 2:10), Samuel (see 1 Samuel 2:1), and Esther (see Esther 2:7)! Yes, adoption holds a special place in God's heart. Why does it have to be Plan B?
Had we waited for biological children, we would have missed out on two of the most wonderful, funny, bright, charming, gorgeous blessings God ever created.
Where do you fit in? Do you already have biological children? Is your heart big enough to love another child? Could you be a foster parent? Could you adopt? Could you support someone else who is through prayer or financial means? Ask God!
Are you struggling with infertility? Are you just starting to think about parenthood? Remember, adoption does NOT have to be Plan B.
Thankfully, God knows our hearts and the rest of your story! Ask Him what His plan is for you and your family! If you would like us to pray for you, please leave a comment and we will commit to praying! Email us at
For the Fatherless,
This weekend Mindy celebrated her 4th birthday. I have two 4 year olds so I know what a birthday celebration looks like for a 4 year olds. I also know that 4 is when they see themselves as BIG and they look forward to what the future holds for them.
Mindy and many other children with down sydrome though don't get such a celebration on their 4th birthdays. Mindy lives in a country that as soon as she turns 4 she is just waiting to be transferred anyday to a mental institution where 90% of the children die in the first year because it is so bad.
I'm not a pastor but I bet I could give a sermon on children with special needs. Believe it or not a lot of Christians don't understand people adopting kids with special needs. I could go on for hours on this subject but I won't, I will leave it at what the Bible says. Genesis 1:27 says So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and femal he created them. If you read that closely you will see first of all that all of us our made in God's image. God didn't say that only healthy, beautiful children were made in his image. Every male and female was created in his image. Look at Mindy again....she is made in the image of God.
Mindy only has a few short weeks, maybe even days to have someone step forward to be her family or she will be transferred to a horrible place. Please pray for Mindy, pray that God helps her find her family before it's too late. Mindy and the other 147 million orphans in the world deserve to have a family.
If you want to find out more about Mindy or want to help her find a family you can click here and scroll down until you find her beautiful face. is a ministry that fights very hard for children with down sydrome, other special needs, and children affected with HIV. If God is speaking to you about adopting or helping others adopt by placing grant money on children you can click here to see the many, many waiting children just waiting for a safe place to call home.
Situations like this don't only happen in other countries. Many, many children are waiting in the foster care system right here in the US and not all of them have good, loving homes. We are not able to post pictures of children waiting in the US but we have left links on the right sidebar that will direct you to children waiting in the US. Good, Christian foster homes are also a big need in the US. Do you have an extra bed in your home? Maybe an extra chair at your dinner table?


With transracial adoptions, or even foster care, hair care can become an issue. We at Project James 1:27 are, in no way, experts. Who do we turn to? The Internet and you!
Below are some fantastic links for rules, tips, and tricks on taking care of your African American baby's hair.
In future posts, we may highlight how to take care of other types of hair as well!
Click the link below to take you directly to the website!
A How To Guide
Ultimate Guide
Hair and Skin Care
Those are a few to get you started!
If you have any ideas, thoughts, tips, and tricks, please leave a comment below! We would all benefit from your expertise!
Anastasia is 7 years old with blond hair and blue eyes. She is dressed in her prettiest dress to have her photo taken, hoping her forever family will see how pretty she is and choose to bring her home.
Anastasia was born with CP, and has difficulty walking, but she is very smart and affectionate and doing well. Physical therapy will work wonders for her.
If you want to find out more about her just click here and scroll down to her picture.
Matthew 18:5
"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."
Many, many children are also waiting right here in the US. It is estimated that over 500,000 children are in the US foster care system waiting for a safe home or for a loving adoptive family. We are unable to post pictures of waiting children in the US but we have added some links on the right sidebar to waiting children in the US. Do you have some extra room in your home?
I am waiting...somewhere far...far away
on the other side of the world.
I may not know who you are or what you look like
But some how deep in my heart I know you are out there.
That one day will come and find me.
It's a long journey, and it takes a lot of time...
I wish it could be easier.
But I know that the ones who come for me
will not count the cost.
They will only see the joy of finding me.
For now I abide in the fields of the fatherless.
Day by day wondering why I was born here
and not somewhere else?
Asking...why my life couldn't have been different?
It is so lonely...even though I am surrounded by
hundreds of other children,
I know that something is missing...
I know in my heart I need a place to call home.
My arms long to be wrapped in a father's embrace...
I long to be saved by a mother's love...
Gazing out the orphanage window I offer a
prayer of hope, "Oh God please help them
come quickly."
Even as I lay in the darkness of each night
somehow I feel assured,
that no matter how lost I appear I am not alone.
Holy hands guard my steps; sacred fingers wipe
my tears, touching my lonely heart.
The one who made me,
The God that knew me before I was born
Hears me when I call
He whispers His promises in my ear.
I listen with hope in His voice.
But what I worry about most is that no one wants to look for me.
The fields are vast and there are so many scattered all over the earth.
I wonder how one little child, so lost, can be found?
Yet He calms my heart and assures me that you hear His voice clearly.
He has promised me that He will make a way through the fields,
That He will personally cut a path and lead you right to my orphanage door.
My prayer is...When He speaks...Please don't forget to listen...
When He calls don't be afraid to go
For I am waiting...somewhere, far...far...away
On the other side of the world
To come Home.
author unknown
Today we decided to put on our sidebars some of our favorite books. We have read many, many books about adoption, orphan care and starting a orphan ministry. We wanted to share some of our favorites with you.
Since I am writing this post I will tell you my favorite book. My very favorite book is Fields of the Fatherless by Tom Davis. To be honest I am not what you would call a "reader" but this is a little book filled with lots of very good God stuff. This is NOT just a book on adoption, this is a book about being the hands and feet of Christ.
I will also say that Red Letters and Scared by Tom Davis are my other favorites. These are books that I could not put down. Can you tell I like Tom Davis books? These are very, very powerful books!!!
Have you read any of these? What is your favorite?
Ok, so the blog is rolling. We have some fantastic links on the side, some great posts below, and our email posted. Now it's YOUR TURN!
What do YOU want to see here?
What are YOUR thoughts on adoption, orphan care, or foster care?
What questions do YOU have?
Go ahead. Click comments, and leave us one! While you're at it, become a follower!
Why are you still reading? Click comments already!
This is Marly and she is waiting for a forever family. Marly is 4 years old and she is such a cutie. Marly has mild deformation of her feet, overcome with placing of splints. Physically Marly is a healthy little girl. She is lagging behind in her neuro-psychical development but during the last few months, significant progress in her development has been observed. She is physically mobile, enjoys playing outside, and loves her doll!
Marly is from a country that is open to single mothers, older parents and large families. The travel to this country is one of the easier ones.
For more information on Marly you can click here and scroll down to her picture.
Please pray that Marly would find a family very, very soon.
We also want you to know that many, many children are also waiting in the US. We are not able to post pictures of waiting children in the US but you can visit to see some pictures and videos of children waiting right here in Indiana.
We are working on a video for church and we are in need of some pictures. Being adoptive parents ourselves we know the amazing difference there is from those first referral photos to even the first couple of days of having a family. We want to make a video that shows the people in our church the amazing trasformation of a child with a loving family.
I can't promise we will use all the pictures, it really depends how many we get but we need them within the next few days. These could be from domestic adoption, foster adoption or international adoption. We would love to have pictures of kiddos from all over the world.
You do not have to go to FCWC to help us out with this but if you do please let us know you attend FCWC becuase we want to make sure we use your picture. You can email to . Thank you!
There are more than 140 MILLION orphans worldwide.....15 million children orphaned due to AIDS....about 500,000 children in the US foster system alone.....about 127,000 in the US waiting for adoptive families.
Ever wonder what you can do to help make a change? Have you considered adoption but don't have a clue where to start?
We know how confusing it all can be because we have been there ourselves. We are here to help you in any way we can. God has given us a HUGE passion for the orphan and nothing excites us more than a family stepping out in faith saying "yes God, use me to help me make a difference in the life of an orphan."
Welcome to our new blog!
We are a ministry of FCWC called Project James 1:27. We are passionate for God and for the fatherless.
We have started this blog as a way to help answer questions for those considering adoption. We want to share ways that people can pray and care for orphans. We will share about children waiting for loving families and pray for those in the process of bringing children home. We hope to also find some ministry oppurtunities to share with you about how you can care for widows since God also commands us to do that.
We would love for you to follow our blog and become part of our ministry!